The Bach flower therapy was created by Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936) a doctor and a homeopath who believed that people’s physical issues were often a manifestation of what he referred to as, emotional imbalance. By treating these imbalances, people would recover more quickly or maybe not even suffer from the issues at all. The better you are emotionally, the better you’ll be physically.
Dr. Bach used the extract of flowers and herbs to help cure sickness and emotional discomfort. Though his concept was unconventional at the time, Dr. Bach is today remembered for as one of the best natural healers.
Bach therapy, consist in flower essences (called remedies in Bach’s native England) used as an alternative medicine; The essences are made by infusing 100% natural fresh spring water with wildflowers that have either been sun-steeped or boiled. It is a safe and natural method of healing designed to work in tandem with the body’s energy flow to treat emotional ailments, like stress, anxiety, or self-consciousness.
The therapy restores the balance between the mind and body. It has been proven to gently soothe negative emotions like fear, worry, hatred, and indecision that disrupt the body’s equilibrium as a whole.
When the mind is happy and at peace, the body is able to better heal itself.